The Power of Three
The Power Of 3
As the 12th April approaches, being the official day that retail outlets will be re-opening, the anticipation across the whole country is palpable. Recent sunshine has put a spring in everyone’s step and the thought of being able to visit the high street once more is becoming an even more attractive proposition.
Working in retail is a challenging career at the best of times, not least because of the hours that our sales execs dedicate to customer service and the presence of mind required to ensure that every single person who walks through the door is greeted with the utmost courtesy. But after nearly a year of intermittent lockdowns, furlough and uncertainty it’s safe to say that our sales execs are now raring to go.
Tom, Danny and Shane featured in the picture will have been with us for around two years now and have all built sound reputations based on trust and reliability. Anyone browsing the testimonials on our website will also see that they are regularly named for their care and attention and to say that they are held in high regard by staff and customers alike is an understatement.
Covering new, used and Motability between them, the “power of 3” (as we call them) provide invaluable support for the management team and a solid foundation for the whole sales process.
With the next VIP event just around the corner, they are all looking forward to opening the doors to everyone and getting back to doing what they do best!