Promise Achieves Level 2 Technician Grade
Every once in a while, a person joins the team at Lightcliffe who puts a smile on everyone’s face. Whether it’s personality, overall politeness, or just a calm demeanour that makes staff and customers warm to them instantly, Promise Egho is one of those people.
Promise joined the service team over 4 years ago and quickly worked his way through all the necessary exams and qualifications to become a fully qualified Skoda service advisor.
He then decided that he wanted to take on the challenge to become a fully certified Skoda technician, so embarked with gusto on another series of tests and in true Promise style has just passed his Level two with flying colours.
Promise, pictured above with fellow tech Andy, is also very popular with all the rest of the workshop team and his cheerful disposition is infectious in what can sometimes be a very challenging job.
A dedicated family man with two daughters, and a reputation as a skilled boxer, Promise’s youthful looks belie his 42 earth years and his choice of hobby.
He is looking forward to continuing his journey as a trainee technician and everyone here is proud of his achievements and have no doubt that he will continue to excel.
Whenever anyone has a problem at the dealership which is seemingly unsolvable we have a saying which is……..”We need a Promise”. We are of course talking about the man rather than a spoken oath…..…. which is testament indeed to our cherished colleague and friend.
Well done from all of us Promise and may your successful journey continue.